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Employee page

The Employee page Main tab displays the Employee’s work location. In MYOB AE, it also defines the standard working hours. You can also create, edit and delete any information using this tab.

Main tab fields


Field or control


Stationed panel

Start Date

The date the employee started employment.

Enter the start date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select the date from the drop-down calendar.

End Date

The date the employee ended employment, e.g., in a department or office or their termination date.

Enter the end date in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select the date from the drop-down calendar.


The company the employee belongs to.

Click the field, then click the ellipse button to find and select the company using the Find Companies window.

If no company is selected, the field defaults to [Please enter the company name].


The office the employee is allocated to.

Click the field, then click the ellipse button to find and select the office using the Find Offices window.

If no office is selected, the field defaults to -UNSPECIFIED-.


The department the employee is allocated to.

Click the field, then click the ellipse button to find and select the department using the Find Departments window.

If no department is selected, the field defaults to -UNSPECIFIED-.

(AE) Centre

The centre the employee is allocated to.

Click the field, then click the ellipse button to find and select the centre using the Find Centres window.

If no centre is selected, the field defaults to -UNSPECIFIED-.

(AE) Category

The category the employee is allocated to.

Click the field, then click the ellipse button to find and select the employee category using the Find Employee Categories window.

If no category is selected, the field defaults to -UNSPECIFIED-.


The primary record for the employee. This record contains the current information for the employee. If you select the checkbox, this record becomes the employee’s Primary Stationed Record.

Only one Primary Stationed Record is allocated to each employee.

(AO) Inactive

If this checkbox is selected, it excludes the employee from certain employee performance, utilisation or productivity reports.

(AE) Notes panel

You can add notes to the employee’s record. Each note must have a Title and Date.
To open an existing note, double-click the Title and edit the note if required.


The employee’s user name to log on the database.


A unique code (a maximum of eight digits) that identifies the employee in the database. It could be the employee’s payroll number, etc.

(AE) Full Assignment Access

If this checkbox is selected, the employee has full assignment access. This field overrides the Assignment Data Security set for the practice, company, centre, office or department.

(AO) Cost/Hr

The cost per hour for this employee.


If this checkbox is selected, it excludes the employee from certain employee performance, utilisation or productivity reports.

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